One-stop crypto shop

One-stop crypto shop

We wanted to create the app in such a way that you are able to easily and quickly buy cryptocurrencies whenever you need to. A lot of exchanges make it hard to transact with the sign-up and KYC processes. Also, your assets can be stolen if there is a breach of the...
Prices From all Major Providers

Prices From all Major Providers

We have been aggregating information since the beginning of the app. Therefore, we believe the more information a user can access through our app, the more time and effort we can save them. An important sector of the crypto space is the price providers. Majority of...
Dopamine multi-alerts

Dopamine multi-alerts

Most of us in this industry follow more than one crypto project. Because of the unpredictability of the market, the price of any project can go up or down at any time, by a lot. By using the multiple alerts feature, you are able to set your limits on when you would...
Cross Blockchain Swap, Staking, Farming

Cross Blockchain Swap, Staking, Farming

As you already know, we are trying to make transactions within DeFi as simple as possible. We have implemented different ways within the app which allow you to SWAP coins but also you can execute swaps with coins that are located in two different blockchains, which is...
Any Dapp, any assets, one easy view

Any Dapp, any assets, one easy view

Through a central dashboard within the app, we are able to give you a full view of all your assets, even the ones which are under different Dapps and are used for providing liquidity, staking, or farming. By using this specific feature, you can have a whole overview...
You are in control, always

You are in control, always

We are huge believers of what blockchain represents which is transparency and reliability. When using the wallets within the app you always have full access and control over your private keys, and therefore your assets are always secure. Find Us...