What are DApps?

What are DApps?

While the whole world is still accustomed to using centralized apps, the advent of blockchain technology has given rise to the new gamut of its use-cases such as decentralized applications (DApps) in recent years. DApps are growing rapidly reaching a market worth...
What is Yield Farming?

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming has been one of the hottest trends in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. You’ve probably heard about the insane returns that some yield farmers are making. So, what exactly is yield farming? Yield farming definition and core notions In the...
What is a liquidity pool?

What is a liquidity pool?

Throughout the 2020-2021 crypto bull run, the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem emerged as the most innovative and thriving part of the crypto space. Most DeFi protocols rely on smart contracts handling pools of crypto assets deposited by DeFi users. Those pools...
What are Flash Loans?

What are Flash Loans?

The open-source bank Marble first introduced Flash Lending in 2018. Marble designed this innovative financial instrument to allow its users to profit from inefficiencies in the price of ERC-20 all over the Ethereum network. Then, Aave democratized the concept of Flash...
The best DeFi lending platforms

The best DeFi lending platforms

Decentralized crypto lending platforms provide loans to anyone with a wallet and some crypto collateral. But, with the growth of the DeFi ecosystem, you can find it hard to choose the best lending platform. Don’t fret, Dopamine is here to help you with your...
What is Crypto Lending?

What is Crypto Lending?

You’ve probably heard of people taking out loans when they need to realize a big purchase. They go to a bank, and it lends them money which has to be repaid with interest. Those interests are how the bank makes money. But, what if you were the one receiving...