Crypto Weekly recap – December – Week 51

Crypto Weekly recap – December – Week 51

In this week Crypto Weekly Recap : Tezos (XTZ) is booming! BoredApe Yatch Club mets Play To EarnNike goes NFTRussia might follow China and ban crypto #1 All eyes on Tezos: it’s exploding with novelties As we’re anticipating the mass adoption of blockchain, news like...
What are Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs)?

What are Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs)?

You might be hearing a lot about IDOs these days. Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) are the latest buzz in the crypto industry, especially in the realm of decentralized finance. IDOs are simply an issuance of tokens on a decentralized exchange. IDOs are a business model...
What are DApps?

What are DApps?

While the whole world is still accustomed to using centralized apps, the advent of blockchain technology has given rise to the new gamut of its use-cases such as decentralized applications (DApps) in recent years. DApps are growing rapidly reaching a market worth...
What is Yield Farming?

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming has been one of the hottest trends in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. You’ve probably heard about the insane returns that some yield farmers are making. So, what exactly is yield farming? Yield farming definition and core notions In the...